In this picture, you see two cats enjoying a nap together in a pile of laundry. However, they are not always this congenial to each other. Just to give you some background, the black/grey cat is my cat. His name is Scooter, he weighs about 12 pounds and is very muscular and active. Milo is the next door neighbor's cat. He weighs (on a good day) about 7 pounds and is slowing down as he ages. Whenever these two cats get together, Milo always play fights with Scooter and Scooter always runs away, even though he is significantly larger. My cat is a sissy.
10 years ago
Yeah! Kelly's first post! It's a funny one too.
I love it! Let's say he's trying to be a peacemaker, not a sissy.
Ha ha!! Well, Scooter is indeed on the peacemaking side of things. Milo stirs the pot. Much love from Germany! Erica
Le Chat! Le Chat! J'Taime de le Parisian Chat!
bravo Bop! Tu parl francais.
bravo Bop! Tu parl francais.
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