Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jammie Dance

Don't you just love pajamas? They are so cozy, there's no buttons or zippers or anything constricting. If you have a good pair it's like wearing your favorite blanket. Growing up, my mom called them "jam jams" which, to me, made them so much more special. I have tried to instill that feeling in to my child.

At the request of a friend who stalks my blog, but never leaves comments I have posted a video of Miles getting excited for his jammies. It's the favorite time of day for everyone in the family.


Domestic Policy Czar said...

Oh you want to be cyber-stalked do you? Careful what you wish for my precious Mathletes! :)

Unknown said...

cute cute, love the monkey hat

dawnawanna said...

I certainly hope you read "Pajamma Dance" every night.

"Some are red, and some are green. Some are the ugliest you've ever seen... Jamma Jamma Jamma, PJ! Jammy to the left, Jammy to the right! Jamma Jamma Jamma, PJ!"

We loved that book.

Belkycita said...

he's so adorable>>

Holly said...

So stinkin' cute!

Anonymous said...

Laura and I just watched this and we both miss Miles...you must move closer.

Anonymous said...

What could be cuter than my favorite 2yr old doing the JamJam dance. Love you all. Grandma Gail